Goals: July 2023
Retail trading is not a 9-5 job. There is a clear benefit to this. I have the freedom to set my own schedule. I have control over every trading decision I make, every piece of content I produce, and the type of knowledge I obtain. The challenge of analyzing data, making predictions, and executing trades are exactly what makes being a "trader" exciting. On the other hand, there isn't a person telling you a deadline you need to uphold or a support system for when you aren't following trading rules.
And this is why I will have a monthly "Goals" post. I'm using this as an agenda for myself and a tracker of what I want to be doing for the current month ahead. By setting clear goals and devising well-structured plans, it gives me accountability for what needs to be done in order to improve and make significant progress.
Key Areas to Focus on:
Trading Momentum Breakouts
Continue to identify, plan, and execute breakout setups (breakouts are the only strategy I am currently focusing on. My "June Performance Review” took a while but it is currently out. I was waiting until the stocks I was holding from June were closed before posting.
Content Generation
There are a lot of ideas in the pipeline. A handful of blog series content I want to get started on, including further breakout research, economy analysis, and more. For now, my list of expected content for the month of July is below:
Expand my Strategy: Momentum Breakout Content
How to find / screen for the setups
Anatomy of a breakout
Trend Analysis
What gives an edge in retail trading
General Market / Economy Analysis Series:
Understanding interest rate probabilities
Yield curve inversion understanding
Trading Log, Explained Series (this series will focus on some of the metrics I track and use to analyze past trades)
Consolidating Knowledge
Back before I took retail trading seriously, I watched all of Kristjan Kullamägi's streams, highlights, and clips and consumed all of his content. This month I plan to re-watch all of his previous content and extract and consolidate information. This will then be used to implement and flush out further content.
Start to develop a "Resources" tab
I want a place where retail traders to go to see all of the resources that I use as well as important tools that others use. If I have not thoroughly reviewed and analyzed the specific resource, tool, or content, it will not be posted on this tab until I have done so.
For all who trade, good luck and focus up!