A Review of Kristjan Kullamägi's Livestreams (Stream 81 to 85) - "Only hardships and setbacks are guaranteed in the markets, but it's how you handle it that determine your success."
Hi, what do you think about the Qullamaggie approach vs. Pradeep Bonde / Stockbee? I'm trying to learn an effective swing trading strategy based on charts, rules, price action, etc., to break my time-wasting addiction to watching YouTube stock tips vids about the hot stocks for the next month or year, etc.
Q's strategy has more explosive moves but I find it hard to find good entries with his strategy.
Like you might have read before, and it's probably super cliche to say but you need to find a strategy that works for you. Honestly, in the first year, you just want to absorb as much info as possible and use a paper account. Test out how options work, spreads, stocks, ETFs, and, futures. Try everything and just learn. Don't focus on anything other than just absorbing as much info as possible. After that, you can kind of gauge what types of methods are pulling you more than others / ones you favor or enjoy over others.
Hope that makes sense. TraderLion on YT has great interviews with famous swing traders, it could be a good place to start :)
Hi, what do you think about the Qullamaggie approach vs. Pradeep Bonde / Stockbee? I'm trying to learn an effective swing trading strategy based on charts, rules, price action, etc., to break my time-wasting addiction to watching YouTube stock tips vids about the hot stocks for the next month or year, etc.
Q's strategy has more explosive moves but I find it hard to find good entries with his strategy.
Like you might have read before, and it's probably super cliche to say but you need to find a strategy that works for you. Honestly, in the first year, you just want to absorb as much info as possible and use a paper account. Test out how options work, spreads, stocks, ETFs, and, futures. Try everything and just learn. Don't focus on anything other than just absorbing as much info as possible. After that, you can kind of gauge what types of methods are pulling you more than others / ones you favor or enjoy over others.
Hope that makes sense. TraderLion on YT has great interviews with famous swing traders, it could be a good place to start :)