Trader Database

The goal of this database is this… For a trader that I believe has a worthwhile strategy or insights about trading, I will try to compile, review, and condense all the information they have ever published (ie. Youtube videos, tweets, blog posts, interviews) to get a better understanding of the strategy they have used to make positive returns in the market.

There is no particular order. Any time I see something interesting from a trader, I will post it! Click on a trader of interest to learn more about their methodology.




  • Validation of returns

    • With certain traders, I was unable to find verified track record documentation. I have 2 thoughts on this. The first is, that the strategy they trade and the particular trades made can be reviewed and analyzed. There is obviously hindsight bias with this type of verification but if, over years, they have documented their system (ie. Youtube videos, streams, blog posts, interviews) that gives credence to the strategy then there is a higher probability of the strategy being profitable. I want to make it clear as well, that I understand that different market environments will produce different outcomes/ returns associated with a strategy. I am not denying this, but we can transpose a particular strategy into different environments to see if the strategy is in fact valid. If we took a trend-following system where a steadily climbing market is required to produce positive returns, one would not try to backtest the strategy in choppy or down-trending markets. Similar to how “replicability” is performed in science, to validate results. Replicability can be stated as - an attempt by a researcher to replicate a previous study in an effort to determine whether applying the same methods to the same scientific question produces similar results. We can use the same logic here, to try to replicate their system to verify their results because if their system is robust enough, it should be able to be used in other scenarios (with matching environments) to generate profit.

    • Secondly, certain interviews and podcasts verify the trader’s track record. In that, the more interviews and talks they do, the higher the probability that they are legitimate in their system. For example, Chat with Traders does their own track record verification. In this case, if a trader was on a podcast such as this one, it would give me more confidence that a trader is telling the truth.