Goals: August 2023 - Deep Diving
This, trading, I feel like is exactly what I want to do as a career. Everything about it seems like a perfect fit for me and the more I really immerse myself in the markets the more I enjoy it. I think because I was always a person who looked through the glass or window from a distance at the financial markets and never really actively participated, I wasn’t able to gain the same level of knowledge and understanding. Of course, just like anything, learning something from a book or with theory is almost never the same as real life. But for someone who is pretty risk-averse, to do so can be a challenge to make the jump to the real world… But here we are! XD
Key Areas to Focus on this Month:
Deep Dive Review on Kristian Qullamaggie’s System
Switching from last month, I started reviewing every KQ stream in order to learn from the things he is saying. A website that I stumbled across (FewMoreDays) does a lot of the heavy lifting but I will be compiling the key notes into tweets for you guys.
After that, which will probably take me a few weeks, I am going to start compiling a mega list database and reviewing tickers in the past for the breakout setup. To really back-test further and try to find some more key ideas or things I can focus on. I do currently have a rudimentary database, but I really want to start flushing this out.
Dial into the market
I have been doing a good job so far staying in tune with the markets but really staying on top of key news events or specific ticker news events will be greatly helpful.
More Content
Going to try to add more content to my Twitter account as I think Twitter is a pretty easy way to share useful and free content quickly.
Past Month’s Accomplishments:
I am starting to get good at taking and not taking setups. Again, due to sample size, this could be more luck than anything, but I am getting pickier with what I trade, which I think is good. I think I am also more in tune with the markets and hot themes. I am looking more in the pre-market to confirm my trades which seem to be paying off. I think a pre-market entry is a very HUGE edge that I will need to explore more later on.
Content generation is I think going well. I have gotten through almost all I wanted to go through for my blog series for now. As well as other posts on breakouts! I have missed a few posts from the last “Goals” blog post but I think a more important focus is deep diving for now so switching my focus a bit, I believe will be a good thing (not to say I won’t stop posting new stuff). Also, I created a Substack rather than using my regular website as it seems like Substack gives me more simplicity and reach! That said, I will keep posting my resources and other useful things on my website as well so stay tuned.
Thanks and till next time.